Course Content
A pre-lesson to help prepare you for Lesson 1.
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Collect the photography gear that you'll need for the course
Lesson 2: The Workings of a Camera (Technical Lesson 1)
In this lesson, we'll discuss how a camera works - including digital cameras!
Lesson 3: Background vs. Foreground (Composition 1)
In this lesson, we will look at the three basic elements of every photograph - the foreground, the background, and the subject.
Lesson 4: Light (Technical Lesson 2)
Everything in a photograph is based on light. In this lesson, we will study light and how to use it to your advantage while taking pictures.
Lesson 5: Tell a Story (Composition 2)
In this lesson, we will discuss how to compose pictures in such a way as to draw viewers into the photo via the story it tells.
Lesson 6: The Direction of Light (Technical Lesson 3)
In this lesson, we will look at how the direction of light affects our photographs - and why this is important.
Wilderness Photography 101
About Lesson
  1. Whenever you’re setting up a shot.  You must make sure that your subject has the light on it that it needs to make the picture you wish to take and tell the story you’re trying to convey.
  2. When you’re in sunny conditions and you need to make sure your subject isn’t backlit (unless you want them to be a silhouette!)
  3. When you’re under artificial light.
  4. When you want shadows or no shadows on a specific part of your picture.


When in doubt, shoot with the light just to the right or left of directly on the subject, or, if necessary, directly on the subject.